Tools for Comparative Genomics


Software Download :


Academic Research Use:

mVISTA and AVID are free for academic or non-profit research institutions to use for internal non-commercial research purposes at that academic or non-profit institute only.

Commercial Use:

To obtain a copy of mVISTA and AVID for internal business use, commercial entities are required to purchase a site license. The pricing for a site license for commercial use is:


US$ 10,000 for one site; US$ 5,000 for each additional site


US$ 10,000 for one site; US$ 5,000 for each additional site

This is a one-time payment that allows internal use of the downloaded software by an unlimited number of users at a single site.
Additional site licenses for the same commercial entity (or an affiliate) may be purchased at 50% discount.


  1. I am affiliated with an academic or other non-profit research institution and would like a no-cost license for internal non-commercial research use at that academic or non-profit institute only (redistribution or commercial use is not permitted)
    I would like to obtain a license that permits using the software for internal commercial purposes (redistribution is not permitted)
    I would like to purchase a commercial distribution license that permits redistribution of the software.

  2. mVISTA (visualization tool)
    AVID (alignment tool)
    Both mVISTA and AVID
Contact Information
  1. Please do not put Abbreviations or your request will be denied
  2. Please include your Area Code for Telephone number
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